
Video, Photos: Brush Park Film Action at Batman's Mansion

September 29, 2014, 10:08 PM by  Alan Stamm

Workers erect a mock brick panel at the Brush Park mansion built from 1876-78 on Alfred Street. (Photo by Tim Malin)

Those enjoying summer-like Detroit days include "Batman v Superman" film crews. who catch a break as they shoot outdoor scenes -- including mock anti-Superman protests Monday with sign-waving extras and a Man of Steel dummy burned in effigy.

Photos tweeted by Tim Reinman and Tim Malin of Sterling Heights show smoky scenes and a Metropolis police car.

Those local set watchers also document construction at the red brick Ransom-Gillis House on Alfred Street in the Bush Park historic district, where carpenters, painters and riggers this month added a faux chimney and breakaway walls likely to come tumbling down. 

Monday night on WXYZ, reporter Jane Park did a segment on the activity (video is below), suggesting that yje Venetian Gotic mansion finished in 1878 serves as Bruce Wayne's home in the film. Earlier, a blog called Michgan Movies and More concluded the same thing:

The Ransom-Gillis House has been partially restored, but its facade still makes a great backdrop for dark, creepy Gotham. Crews have been working on the set for the last couple of weeks.

A film craftsman builds a phony chimney that's now attached to the facade. (Instagram photo by "dddetroit")

The anonymous blogger, describing himself as a hobbyist with a zoom lens, watched two scenes shot repeatedly outside the house late last Friday night.

The first consisted of winching a large, caged camera high above the rooftops of the house — finally we discover the purpose of the large scaffolding. The camera swung over the roof, around the newly "repaired" chimney, resting over the chimney and looking down into it, then swinging around to look toward the street.

Hmm. Maybe this is the perspective of a certain superhero who is on the roof? 

The rest of the evening was a scene of a Gotham police car screeching down a wet street and coming to a halt outside the house. The police officers exited the car, looked up at the house and shone flashlights at the building. 

Accompanying photos are from social media and Instagram posts by Reinman, Malin and two others. 


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