
'We've Gone Back:' Attorney Geoffrey Fieger Rips Donald Trump in Latest Commercial

January 11, 2017, 7:29 AM

Geoffrey Fieger

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger, who ran for governor in 1998, isn't shy about political comments.

In a new one-minute TV commercial for his Southfield law firm, he rips the president-elect:  

I’ve noticed that Donald Trump has succeeded in uncovering many of the feelings of millions of Americans and to say it isn’t pretty, is an understatement. Bigotry, misogyny, intolerance and out-and-out racism are front and center. I thought we were making progress in this melting pot called America, and now it seems we’ve gone back to a very bad time. . . .

When are we going to follow our better angels? America is supposed to be a place where our differences enhance the greater good. Inscribed in the Statue of Liberty are these words: "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." It doesn’t say anything about a wall, does it?

Fieger isn't announcing a Democratic run for president in 2020, but boasts to the Detroit Free Press that he'd win if he did.

“I’ve done it once. I know what it takes to do it. I think I would be successful,” he tells the Freep's Kathleen Gray.  “I don’t believe this country has changed and turned into a seething cauldron. The problem is, Mr. Trump has got a way: He’s not a bully, but I think he’s a kind of out-of-shape, portly man, who has that overbearing demeanor that is very uncommon in politicians.

“He needs somebody to stand up to him. If I was on a stage with Donald Trump, you wouldn’t come away thinking that he even approaches sanity.”

See the commercial here

Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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