The show can go on . . . but without a public display of its name in Windsor.
The name is "The Vagina Monologues," an acclaimed 1996 play by Eve Ensler -- though passersby and even theatergoers don't see the V-word outside the Capitol Theatre, Sarah Sacheli reports in The Windsor Star.
In what the play’s director is calling an act of censorship, a poster advertising the production [right] was removed from the city-owned theatre’s entrance.
“I don’t understand it,” said Miriam Goldstein of Edge Productions. “It’s not pornographic . . . You see more in a body wash commercial.”
The poster was moved two doors away to a vacant storefront, also owned by the city, Sacheli writes. She quotes Helga Reidel, the city’s chief administrative officer:.
“The staff did what was appropriate. Our staff was trying to be vigilant. . . . We have multiple events at our facilities, so we have conflicts with audiences.”