
'Just spend time together:' Oxford High students have a chance to hang out and heal Friday night

December 09, 2021, 4:43 PM

Principal Steve Wolf encourages his 1,800 shocked and grieving Oxford High students "to support one another, reach out and ask for help as we begin the healing process following the tragic events of last week."

Steven Wolf: "Our community continues to process and grieve." (Photo: Oxford Community Schools)

The northern Oakland County district invites the teens, who've now missed seven full days of classes since Nov. 30, to reunite from 8-11 p.m. Friday at Oxford Elementary School for "some structured activities and to just spend time together," posts Wolf, principal since 2017.

We will have police and staff on site, extra security measures, and professionally trained counselors and therapists will be available as well.

He also announces another chance "for our high school students to gather and support one another during this difficult time ... as our community continues to process and grieve:"

On Monday, Dec. 13, Top Golf will host 400 high school students at their facility in Auburn Hills for free food and play. We are grateful for their support and willingness to allow our OHS students to gather at their facility and enjoy each other's company.

The principal, in office since 2017, also discloses arrangements to reunite students with jackets, backpacks, books and other items left on desks or in lockers during last week's emergency evacuation during fifth-period classes. Staff members last weekend began retrieving and tagging the belongings for pickup outside the high school next Monday through Wednesday.

Related today:

Therapy Dogs, Police Are Part of Oxford District's Partial Return Friday; High School Plan 'Still Evolving'

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