
Detroit-based Construction Firm Says 7 Mexican Automotive Plant Projects Shelved After Trump Threatens Tarrifs

October 16, 2024, 2:10 PM by  Allan Lengel

Donald Trump and John Rokolta in Detroit.

Republican John Rakolta, buddy and political ally of presidential candidate Donald Trump, tells the Detroit News that seven of his automotive plant projects in Mexico have been "shelved" since Trump vowed to put new tarrifs on cars built in Mexico.

John Rakolta Jr., owner of Detroit-based construction firm Walbridge, tells Chad Livengood of the News that the company's assembly plant construction projects in Mexico are in "limbo" pending the outcome of the presidential election.

"When the customer shelves a project, they don't say why. But they were shelved simultaneously with Trump's comments," Rakolta told The News.

Rakolta was Trump's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates from 2019 until 2021.  

Rakolta provided a gushing introduction for Trump when he spoke last week at the Detroit Economic Club. He later sat down with him for a chat on stage before the audience at the MotorCity Casino Hotel.

During his speech Trump talked about how he would impose tough tarrifs on any imported cars built in Mexico and other nations. He says he hopes that would encourage automotive companies, including American ones, to bulid plants in the U.S.

Rokolta's disclosure to the News is likely to be preceived as a sign of Trump's influence in the business world, the impact of his tarrif talks. 

Critics of Trump's tarrif's say they would only drive up the costs for products in the U.S. 


Read more:  Detroit News

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