WDIV-TV's Rod Meloni has a few issues with what he sees as General Motors' efforts to manage the media over the ignition switch investigation.
In a column titled "The GM recall: Damage control on steroids," Meloni writes that GM invited only 10 print reporters to GM headquarters for a press briefing with Mary Barra. Left out were national or local broadcasters, like Meloni.
"Tightly-controlled, hand-picked reporters were there," Meloni writes. "The usual gang that could be counted on to ask questions that would not shock or otherwise fluster the new CEO."
Meloni recalls how, during the GM bankruptcy, CEO Rick Wagoner would stand and answer every question at press conferences that included every manner of reporter and camera.
Wagoner took the public beating he so richly deserved. He was the multi-millionaire executive, his desk was where the buck stopped and he knew he had no choice but to be held accountable. That's how it is supposed to work. It was unpleasant, but Wagoner stood up before shareholders, employees and the nation to answer the toughest questions in the full light of day. No coddling there.
Meloni contrasts Wagoner's performance with that of Barra, whose "new media handlers" believe "she is too delicate a flower for that."
In her honeymoon period as the top executive, proud to acknowledge her salary will eclipse $12 million this year, a woman who is highly touted as a GM lifer who has been through and seen a lot is somehow and for inexplicable reasons being held back from the true test of her leadership: true accountability in the sunshine.
On top of shielding Barra, Meloni reports a GM PR person invited him to a "warm, fuzzy" press briefing in Pontiac Wednesday morning.
He replies: "We will not be there! If they were showing off a new Corvette the answer would still be no!"