Kid Rock (Facebook photo)
Kid Rock has made it clear where he stands when it comes to his affection for the Confederate flag.
Fans and activists, including a group in Detroit, have asked that he distance himself from the flag and no longer display it at his concerts.
But Megyn Kelly, host of the "The Kelly File" on Fox News posts a brief video on Facebook on Thursday that addresses the issue. She reads a statement from Kid:
"Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my . . . ask me some questions."
Kelly said she modified the statement for TV.
The Michigan Chapter of the National Action Network on Monday protested Kid Rock's ties to the flag in front of Detroit Historical Museum in Midtown Detroit, where an exhibit bears the country-hip-hop-rock superstar's name. the paper reports.
MLive quotes a museum statement:
"The lab explores Detroit's rich musical legacy and the worldwide impact made by Detroiters in every genre of music, including pop, rock, gospel, blues, hip-hop, techno and more. Kid Rock's contribution to Detroit's music history is significant and warrants his inclusion along with other key figures like Stevie Wonder, Bob Seger, Aretha Franklin and Eminem. There are no displays of the Confederate flag in the Kid Rock Music Lab or anywhere else inside the Detroit Historical Museum."
The video addresses the Kid Rock message, beginning at 2:39: