
'Tsunami' of waste blamed for Macomb sinkhole, sewer collapse

January 09, 2019, 6:09 PM

We've heard of sh-- monsoons, but this is the first we've heard of a sh-- tsunami. But that is indeed what Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller blamed for the Dec. 24, 2016 sinkhole that caused the evacuation of 22 houses and, it's safe to say, ruined Christmas in every one of them. 

Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller

The Detroit News reports that Miller announced Wednesday the results of an investigation into the cause of the sewer line collapse. Miller inherited the problem her first day in office, a week later. The inquiry determined that a fatal mistake was made during an earlier repair, in 2014:

A gate, which permits sewage and waste, was closed to allow workers inside the pipe, but once their work was done, the gate was opened, creating a “tsunami” of waste all at once, rather than a gradual release at the 11-foot diameter to-eight-foot diameter interceptor.

“The opening of the gate is supposed to be done gradually, but records show it was opened all at once, eight times what it should have been,” Miller said.

The sudden surge caused hairline fractures in the pipe, which over time, drew sand from outside the pipe into the flow and creating a “void” of supporting soil that eventually collapsed.

Man, the things we do to the infrastructure of this once-great land, eh? It's a miracle it's lasted this long. Google "flushable wipes sewer clog 'fatberg'," if you doubt us, but please don't do so if you've recently eaten anything. Why hasn't anyone made a movie about this? 

Read more:  The Detroit News

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