
Trump Ally John James Turns to White House Enemy Mitt Romney For Financial Help

October 11, 2019, 2:38 PM

Sen. Mitt Romney and John James

You might recall back in 2018, Michigan GOP Senate candidate John James pledged 1,000-percent allegiance to President Donald Trump, who endorsed him. He lost to incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow anyway.

This time, as he runs against Democratic incumbent Sen. Gary Peter, James is looking for some financial help from Sen. Mitt Romney, who is now the target of Trump's insults because he expresses grave concerns about the now-famous Ukraine phone call.

Politico reports:

Later this month, Romney will take his most aggressive step yet to insert himself into the 2020 campaign when he hosts a New York City fundraiser for Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner and Michigan Senate hopeful John James. All are establishment-aligned figures confronting tough races in swing states. Behind the scenes, Romney’s team has also begun directing his donors to help GOP candidates in Senate battlegrounds.

Donors are expected to include very major givers. 

How Trump reacts to the alliance with Romney is unclear. Recently, Trump called Romney a “pompous ‘ass’” who is “so bad for Rs.” 

We're assuming James has a higher opinion of Romney.

Read more:  Politico

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