
Michigan voters: Give us your best Bernie, Joe — we'll give you $20

March 04, 2020, 2:51 PM

Can you beat editor Allan Lengel's Bernie? Show us in a submission to admin@deadlinedetroit.com.

Michigan's March 10 Democratic presidential primary is upon us, which means we have a critical choice that could alter the course of humanity.

But between analyzing the candidates' policy platforms and chances of beating Trump, there's also room for a little fun.

Here at Deadline Detroit we've found ourselves slipping into candidate impersonations as the election heats up, punctuating routine conversation on a story's merits with blurts like "I wrote the damn bill!" and "Malarkey!"

That sparked an idea: Why don't we open the floor to your candidate impressions?

Between now and March 9, Deadline Detroit will accept submissions for its first-ever Clown on the Candidates Contest. Give us your best Bernie, Joe — or Tulsi and Liz if they don't drop out — and we'll give you $20 to Starbucks and 15 minutes of fame. Top impersonations will be featured on our site as voters go to the polls Tuesday.

Like Pete Buttigeig said when doing his best Obama, if one idea can light a gym, it can light a neigborhood. And if it can light a neighborhood, it can light a city. And if it can light a city, it can light our country.

OK — Pete was actually talking about cell phones, but you get the idea.

Please send videos to admin@deadinedetroit.com.

We'll kick things off:


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