
Crisis leadership: Whitmer earns respect in a tough arena -- Reddit Detroit

March 22, 2020, 8:39 AM by  Alan Stamm

 (Photo: State of Michigan)

Here's another sign we're in abnormal times: Gretchen Whitmer is a darling of the Reddit Detroit forum, which can be a free-fire zone of cynicism, sarcasm and negativism.

A weekend thread titled "Can We All Give a Collective Shout Out to Governor Whitmer?" reached 550 comments in a day. She's saluted as "a class act," in the words of Ted Mosby, who started the discussion.

"She has taken charge to handle this like a serious, concerned and involved professional. Fantastic job," posts a user calling himself "digidave1." He adds: "Fantastic job."

"I have been impressed with her quiet authority," comments a Detroiter whose handle is "jdinthed." "It takes a special kind of person to lead that way."

Others weren't fans earlier or aren't Democrats, but give her props now. "Some of her policy and politics I strongly disagree with, but the way she conducts her business is phenomenal and l'd take a second term with her happily," says "mikeboing64."

"I was skeptical of her," acknowledges an active forum participant posting as "stratiform." "But in a crisis situation she's been top-shelf leadership." 

Mosby kicks off the praisefest by comparing Michigan's chief executive to "the 'leadership' we've been receiving at the federal level."  Others among the forum's 45,627 followers agree that she vaults over that low bar easily:

► "She certainly seems to be doing much more than the federal government so far, especially in providing reassurance to the public and giving us necessary information."

► "Compared to our last two governors? She's nailing it."

► "She's awesome."

► "She clearly recognized the threat early, took it seriously and has done a solid job of instituting proactive measures to limit the spread of the disease while also simultaneously addressing the effects of those measures."

► "I'm living in Atlanta right now and I wish I was back in Detroit. People here still [are] trying to go to bars and congregate."

► "She's doing an excellent job and clearly has a good head on her shoulders. Moment is not too big for her."

► "I voted [for Abdul] El Sayed in the primary, but her response is not making me think, 'Damn we could've had a doctor right now.' ... Grateful for her decisiveness. I'm glad to live in MI right now and not a state that doesn't believe in science."

► "I voted Sayed as well, but I'm fine with Whitmer, especially when you compare her to the federal-level leadership."

► "She’s been doing a fantastic job with the quick virus response. Shooting for that VP spot in Nov."

► "Our gov is doing a great job."

► "She has taken charge to handle this like a serious, concerned and involved professional. Fantastic job."

► "I was grateful for how proactive she was last week with closing ... some businesses. Michigan looked like a national leader on taking the virus seriously."

► "Her Twitter feed is great. She tweeted out yesterday [Friday] to correct that idiot education administrator that announced yesterday that online learning wouldn't count. Good for her for taking responsibility and fixing it. She also tweeted herself donating blood. This is the kind of stuff a leader should do, not tweeting insults and Fox News conspiracy theories."

► "I was skeptical of her. I thought she was a typical corporate Democrat and a one-term governor. I voted for her because I hated [Bill] Schuette, but in a crisis situation she's been top shelf leadership."

► "I loved her answer about not mandating daycare be closed. She mentioned they weighed the decisions, but first responders and emergency care workers need to be able to take their kids somewhere."

► "I'm super grateful as a Michigan native transplanted to Dallas. Good to know Michigan is doing its best."

► "She's certainly been a damn sight better than the federal government, and she’s got AG [Dana] Nessel issuing strong statements about the consequences of price-gouging."

► "Didn't vote for her. Probably won't vote again for her. But disease is nonpartisan, and her leadership has been competent. ... 'Competent' is high praise from me for any elected official."

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