A word to the wise: Pick your words carefully, particularly in the hospitality field and on a sign.
Though it should be obvious, that lesson is learned the tough way by CJ's Upper Deck Bar & Grille, a Waterford sports lounge. WXYZ delivers details:
When you see a sign that says "no ghetto gear" it raises some eyebrows. People are calling it unacceptable.
A "very offended" patron, posting as Morgaen Jazziette, posted this photo Saturday on Facebook. It has been shared over 2,000 times and draws more than 1,500 comments.
"I don’t like going into places and seeing that. It felt like a modern-day no colored sign to me," the Pontiac tax preparer tells TV reporter Alan Campbell.
"As a business, there is a way that you can relay that information. You say 'no streetwear.' 'No ghetto gear' is definitely not an appropriate term to use."
The Oakland County bar on West Huron Road responds with a statement to the station, which says the clothing advisory "has been updated [to say] 'No sleeveless shirts. Pants and shorts must be at waist level.'
Our intention with the dress code has been to create a respectful environment. Thank you for addressing our aged dress code. We hope everyone finds this fitting and suitable.