Fall 2020 will look very different than fall 2019 for students in Michigan schools under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's Michigan Safe Start Plan.
On Tuesday, the governor released guidelines for reopening the state's K-12 schools, which according to The Detroit News, include:
Students and teachers wearing masks except while eating
Desks six feet apart in classrooms
Teachers maintaining six feet between themselves and students when possible
No school visitors, including family members, except during emergencies.
Cleaning frequently touched surfaces at least every four hours with an Environmental Protection Agency-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach.
Outdoor spectator or stadium events limited to 100 people. Indoor events would be banned for now.
“I will continue working closely with the Return to Learn Advisory Council and experts in epidemiology and public health to ensure we get this right, but we also need more flexibility and financial support from the federal government," Whitmer says in a statement. "This crisis has had serious implications on our budget, and we need federal support if we’re going to get this right for our kids.”
Detroit's superintendent tweets these reactions:
Despite some clarity regarding returning to school in the fall (which we agree with) the state has yet to answer serious questions about the 20-21 budget and fully funding students whose families should be empowered to use a district full-time virtual option.
— Nikolai Vitti (@Dr_Vitti) June 30, 2020
We have already engaged many of our high school principals ADs and football coaches and I stand with them to state that the association should not flip fall and spring sports. Football should be played this fall. We believe the association will eventually agree with our position.
— Nikolai Vitti (@Dr_Vitti) June 30, 2020