Henry Ford Health System is participating in Phase 3 tests for a coronavirus vaccine produced by Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It is the only Michigan health system in the nationwide test.
The Detroit-based hospital network is enrolling up to 5,000 volunteers for a randomized double-blind study of two years to see if a two-dose vaccine prevents infection after exposure to the virus. About 90 health care systems seek 30,000 volunteers.
"Double-blind" means that those selected have a 50% chance of receiving the vaccine. Otherwise, they will get a placebo.
Participants won't be intentionally exposed to the virus, but statically researchers know that some of the volunteers will become infected through everyday exposure.
"Our best hope of controlling COVID-19 is with a vaccine,” Dr. Marcus Zervos, chief of infectious disease for Henry Ford, says in a statement. “The Moderna vaccine seems to be very promising. In the initial studies that have been done so far, it looks to be safe and has produced protective antibodies at the level of a natural infection.”
Moderna is a Massachusetts biotechnology firm. Nationwide, more than 150 coronavirus vaccines are being developed
The first two study stages found the vaccine to be safe and to produce antibodies. Phase 3 will determine if it provides protection.
Henry Ford wants volunteers who are at least 18, not immune-compromised, pregnant or planning to get pregnant and have not had Covid-19 or received any other vaccine or treatment.
Two initial enrollment site visits will be required After two injections spaced about a month apart, volunteers will visit their enrollment site five additional times and talk to study coordinators about 24 times over two years.
Those who complete the study will receive $1,000.
► Apply here.