
Ivanka Trump is in metro Detroit and Dems Have Something to Say About it

September 02, 2020, 7:24 AM

Ivanka Trump is here.

She'll appear Wednesday with GM CEO Mary Barra in Warren. The two reportedly will discuss workforce training at the automaker's Technical Learning University on the Global Technical Center campus

In response to the visit, the Michigan Democratic Party issued a statement:

Almost four years ago, Trump promised Warren voters, "if I’m reelected, you won’t lose one plant,” but since then Michigan manufacturing has been devastated by Trump’s erratic leadership with plants closing across the state.

“Ivanka can try to spin Michigan voters all she wants, but nothing will cover for the fact that Donald Trump has failed our state," said party spokesman spokesman Christian Slate. "After Trump’s disastrous Covid-19 response, Michigan has seen over 100,000 Covid-19 cases, an unemployment rate that has doubled since March, and no plan to put an end to the crisis."

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