The debate Tuesday
It was exhausting. Pathetic. Nauseating. And that was the good part.
Tuesday night's 90-minute debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was unbearable. It was imposssible to get anything from it.
The losers? Everyone. America. You. Me. And definitely Fox News moderator Chris Wallace, who acted like a substitute teacher who lost control over his seventh-graders.
Here are comments from local folks, including politicians, members of the media and pundits.
Where can I get a bumper sticker that says “Will you shut up, man?”
— Barb McQuade (@BarbMcQuade) September 30, 2020
Desi cannot take it anymore. He wants me to change the channel and I won’t give him the remote. #Debates2020 pic.twitter.com/jdeEDu3e4Y
— Rochelle Riley (@rochelleriley) September 30, 2020
Since Jan 2017, Michigan has lost over 57,000 manufacturing jobs. Even before COVID, Michigan plants were closing and a manufacturing recession had begun. I know because I was with the families when they found out right before the holidays their plants were closing. #Debates2020
— Debbie Dingell (@DebDingell) September 30, 2020
My choice for debate moderator pic.twitter.com/DtpHzxn5WP
— Derrick Coleman (@44TheLegend) September 30, 2020
Chris Wallace is a master journalist, in part, because he always has command of his interviews.
— Ross Jones (@rossjonesWXYZ) September 30, 2020
Tonight, he’s been steamrolled.
Trump says a German automaker came to Michigan in recent years.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) September 30, 2020
I have no idea what he's talking about.
Wallace making his first inexcusable gaffe — virtually sanctioning DJT’s absurd and reckless prattling about mail-in ballots.
— Lynn G. Henning (@Lynn_Henning) September 30, 2020
Let’s do two more of these! Said no one ever.
— Ben Schmitt (@bencschmitt) September 30, 2020
When this is over, please don’t forget that the president was given an easy, wide open opportunity to denounce white supremacists and he just wouldn’t do it.
— Matt Friedman (@MattFriedmanNJ) September 30, 2020
There was, for an unbearable moment, a fear that Biden would walk over and deck DJT after the despicable remarks about Biden’s son. It had to have been close.
— Lynn G. Henning (@Lynn_Henning) September 30, 2020
Final thought: ‘When people show you who they are, believe them,’ Maya Angelou.
— Susan Tompor (@tompor) September 30, 2020
Trust me. A mom needs to moderate the next debate.#momsgetitdone #Debate2020
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) September 30, 2020
DO NOT FORGET: Donald Trump told us that he has already fixed health care tonight. He actually said that.
— Craig Fahle (@CraigFahle) September 30, 2020
The president of the United States, after refusing to condone masks or to condemn racism, urged his supporters to commit voter intimidation.
— Bill Shea (@Bill_Shea19) September 30, 2020
We can waste time debating that nasty debate, but no debating this: Trump broke more rules and interrupted more, and Biden fired more pointed insults. There was one horrific moment when something was left unsaid by one candidate. If you weren’t alarmed, I don’t know what to say.
— Bob Wojnowski (@bobwojnowski) September 30, 2020
The debate turned into a shit show. But I was entertained.
— Terry Foster (@TerryFoster971) September 30, 2020
Tonight's debate made it abundantly clear that President Trump doesn't share the values of Michigan's working families when it comes to protecting our health care. #Debate2020
— Gretchen Whitmer (@gretchenwhitmer) September 30, 2020
.@JoeBiden kept his cool, spoke to the people, laid out his plans. What a contrast. @realDonaldTrump is a horrible person, in addition to being a horrible president.
— Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) September 30, 2020
My lede:
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) September 30, 2020
Trailing badly in polls and facing defeat, President Donald Trump declared the coming election fraudulent and told white supremacists to “stand by.”
For ninety minutes, @realDonaldTrump made a confident, commanding and compelling case for his re-election and took Joe Biden to task for supporting radical policies that would raise taxes, destroy jobs and make our communities less safe. (1/3)
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 30, 2020
What is @JoeBiden saying? ...@realDonaldTrump negotiated awesome trade deals like USMCA that will help MI workers in manufacturing and agriculture sectors!
— Laura Cox (@MIGOPChair) September 30, 2020
I would guess that, of the millions who watched that debate, Hannity is the only one who could possibly think that court packing was the biggest news of the night. https://t.co/Y3pSkiok1w
— Chad Selweski (@cbsnewsman) September 30, 2020
As someone who's moderated quite a few debates, I'm sitting here trying to think of a format or approach that would bring order out of this chaos.
— Devin Scillian (@DevinScillian) September 30, 2020
I got nothing.#PresidentialDebate
How are there still undecided voters? #Debate2020 pic.twitter.com/9z3B1EJy3p
— Stephanie Steinberg (@Steph_Steinberg) September 30, 2020
Forget analyzing what was not a debate. Remember only that Donald Trump did not condemn white supremacists but told a white supremacist group to #standbackandstandby because someone needed to take care of another extremist group. It was a call to war. It was treason. #Debates2020
— Rochelle Riley (@rochelleriley) September 30, 2020
Joe Biden’s struggle with Latino voters is real. Tonight was no different! https://t.co/Am3qTQrkkA
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 30, 2020
This one didn’t happen!
— m.l. elrick (@elrick) September 30, 2020
What a disaster.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) September 30, 2020
All debates are being held in red states.
Why continue.
Fight for our democracy. End the reign of Trump.
✅. ✅. ✅
Biden looks like he’s wondering he even agreed to be in the same room with this idiot.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) September 30, 2020
Two final thoughts of the night. First, if you are a Democrat and weren’t already committed to doing everything possible with your money and your time over the next 5 weeks to defeat Donald Trump, you should be now. Second, no more debates. Enough of Trump’s bullshit.
— Stan Van Gundy (@realStanVG) September 30, 2020
The president's refusal tonight to speak out against violence is one of the lowest points in the history of the presidency. pic.twitter.com/ABQfzG1HRQ
— Elissa Slotkin (@ElissaSlotkin) September 30, 2020