Matt Buskard is fed up and he's not going to take it anymore.

Matt Buskard: "We will not tolerate it." (Photo: Facebook/Joey Salamon)
The owner of Bobcat Bonnie's restaurant group, citing "a high volume of insanely disrespectful behavior," says his staff won't serve anyone who reacts nastily to mask-wearing reminders.
"We want to address it head-on," Buskard posts on Facebook. "No one needs all the extra drama right now, and at Bobcat Bonnie’s we will not tolerate it."
The casual dining group has five Southeast Michigan locations, and he doesn't specify whether abuse arises mainly or solely at one -- though an an accompanying photo seems like a hint. It's an exterior shot of the Corktown flagship on Michigan Avenue in Detroit.
The flagship at Michigan Avenue at Harrison Street in Corktown. (Photo: TripAdvisor/Mike G.)
The owner describes recent incidents that prompt his enough-is-enough pushback:
Our staff has been called "stupid white people" because a to-go order was incorrect. ...
They've been yelled at because we have continued to require masks, as mandated to us. This one still shocks me because you think we have the power to change it, or you lecture us about it, but all we want to do is follow the rules, and make sure you have a good time. Why waste energy coming at us when we aren’t the ones making the rules?
There have been multiple incidents, These are just a few separate examples lately of staff being treated poorly and it's enough.
So today, on this post, I am letting you that we will no longer serve or do business with people who swear at us, harass us or refuse to follow some simple instructions mandated to us.
My staff work hard, and tirelessly. They don’t need to hear your thoughts on mask protections and they don’t need to be called names because you refuse to follow some simple instructions.
We are here to ensure every single person who comes in has a great experience, but we will not do that at the detriment of our staff or other guests around you. ... So as long as you can follow some easy rules, not cuss at us and keep your mask on, we will have a great time, and we will do what it takes to make sure you have a great experience.
The group's other locations are in Ferndale, Wyandotte, Clinton Township and Ypsilanti.
► Epilogue: A day and a half after this post was published, Fox 2 News spoke with Buskard: