Asked about his plea deal, Jones deferred to a Disney character.
Michigan Rep. Jewell Jones pleaded guilty Wednesday to a number of charges stemming from an April drunken driving incident and his subsequent arrival in jail with a handcuff key, media outlets report.
The Democrat legislator of legislator entered a guilty plea for felony resisting and obstructing and four misdemeanors, including driving while impaired, having a weapon while impaired and attempting to escape. Jones' deal gives him the chance to have the felony convictions wiped if he successfully completes probation, under a Michigan law that grants leeway to young, first-time offenders.
The deal was extended to Jones in November, The Detroit News reports. He initially rejected the offer and had intended to take the case to trial next week.
“I just think it’s best for him to put this whole situation behind him and move on,” (his lawyer) said.
Jones, however, seems unprepared to relinquish his immature ways. Here's how he answered a News reporter's question about the plea:
Jones responded to a text seeking comment Tuesday with GIFs from the movies "Deadpool" and "Emperor’s New Groove," the latter featuring a quote that said, “Oh yeah. It’s all coming together.”
The 26-year-old is expected to remain a state representative until term limits force him out in December.