
Detroit Free Press Reader: How Can Beaumont Justify Paying Beaumont CEO John Fox $10.2 Million Exit Payout?

January 28, 2024, 12:27 AM

Deadline Detroit columnist Eric Starkman isn't the only one who is skeptical of former Beaumont Healthy System CEO  John Fox getting a $10.2 million payout when he departed in 2022 after the system merged with Spectrum, the Grand Rapids-based health system. The combined system is now called Corewell.

John Fox

Detroit Free Press reader Frances L. Potasnik of Saliine in a letter to the editor writes:

John Fox received $10.2 million dollars in severance pay and bonuses upon leaving his job as Beaumont's chief executive. ("Former Beaumont CEO John Fox walks away with nearly $10.2 million in bonus, severance," Detroit Free Press, Jan. 19.) How can hospital administrations justify paying anyone that much money, while at the same time hospital patients are struggling to pay off exorbitant bills? Has it ever crossed any of these wealthy hospital executives' minds to donate a large portion of this money to ordinary hardworking people with hospital bills to pay? And surely there is a connection between high hospital costs and high exec pay?

Not singling out John Fox, but what should a person have to accomplish to actually be worth $10 million? These execs did not earn this money ... they were paid this money.


Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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