
BuzzFeed Names Joe-Louis-Fist Crisco Can Among Best Street Art Of 2013

August 05, 2013, 5:41 PM

BuzzFeed, the site that tracks what's happening minute-by-minute on the Web, has included last week's Crisco can artwork in Detroit on its list of best street art of 2013.

The Crisco can was a tongue-in-cheek installation by longtime local artist Jerry Vile. He placed a larger-than-life replica of a can of the famous vegetable shortening at the base of the Joe Louis fist at Woodward and Jefferson and posted a sign that discussed how it was supposed to ease the pain of Detroit's bankruptcy.

Vile also said he was donating the can to the city, and suggested it could sell the can rather than the art inside the DIA.

City workers removed the can after it sat at one of the city's busiest intersections for seven hours.

Most of the other art on the BuzzFeed list are wall murals. They come from such places as Brooklyn, Paris, Italy, Denmark and San Francisco.

Read the original Deadline story here.

Read more:  BuzzFeed

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