
A New Low in Macomb Politics?

June 01, 2014, 11:46 PM

Pete Lucido

Macomb County is no stranger to underhanded politics.

But Chad Selweski of the Macomb Daily suggests the race involving attorney Pete Lucido may have reached a new low.

Selweski reports that someone has been circulating letters urging voters to boycott at least three Shelby Township businesses -- Vince and Joe’s produce, Ocean Breeze restaurant, and Sorrento’s Pizza -- that have supported Lucido, who is running for the state House against Shelby Township Clerk Stan Grot in the August primary.

The name Chad Lange -- which may be fictitious -- is on the letter that is urging voters in north Macomb’s 36th House District to avoid establishments that support “liberal Democrat Pete Lucido," the paper reported. No voter named Chad Lange is registered to vote in Macomb County, the paper reported.

Funny thing is, Lucido,  who is running for office for the first time, is campaigning as a conservative Republican in the GOP primary, the Macomb Daily reports. He is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, which protects peoples' rights to bear arms. 

Lucido tells the paper the letter is a new low in "dirty tricks."

“This is childish. It’s cavalier,” he said.  “It’s disgusting that whoever is behind this is engaged in outright, strong-armed bullying.”

The form letter was mailed earlier this month, with no return address, to certain households, according to Lucido, the paper wrote.

The article did not indicate whether Lucido's opponent Grot had any knowledge of the origins of the letter. -- Allan Lengel

Read more:  Macomb Daily

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