
Councilman George Cushingberry Jr. Loses Law License For A Year

February 04, 2015, 12:38 AM

More often than not, when Detroit City Councilman Pro Tem George Cushingberry Jr. is in the news, it's not a good thing.

Rod Meloni of WDIV reports that the Michigan Attorney Discipline Board has suspended his law license for one year.

Meloni reports that the law license, which was suspended on Tuesday, is likely gone for good.

WDIV reports that the one-year suspension is a penalty for not showing up to hearings he was supposed to attend to decide whether he could keep the license in the first place.

WDIV reports that Cushingberry's attorney said in official transcripts from an attorney grievance hearing that Cushingberry opted not to attend the hearing and was in Florida being treated in the lawyers and judges assistance program. That program is set up to help lawyers with substance abuse problems.

Cushingberry told WDIV via texts that he was in the lawyers assistance program and his suspension was "indefinite by consent."

Read more:  WDIV

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