
Crittendon Fail 2.0: Judge William Collette won't reconsider consent deal ruling

July 11, 2012, 12:06 PM

TimgunnIn the least surprising news ever, Ingham County Circuit Judge William Collette has decided he won’t reconsider Detroit Corporation Counsel Krystal Crittendon’s lawsuit against the city’s consent agreement.

Last month, Collette dismissed the case saying Crittendon had no client and therefore had no standing to bring the suit.

She asked Collette to reconsider his ruling and, apparently, he effectively told her: Let me think about that…no. 

Mayor Bing issued a statement Wednesday afternoon:

"I continue to be disappointed in Corporate Counsel’s effort to derail the Financial Stability Agreement with this unnecessary litigation. The city’s financing continues to be stalled by legal challenges of the FSA, impeding our progress to fiscally stabilize the city.

"Corporation Counsel’s actions have cost the city money – as of June 27 the city’s interest rate on its $80 million bond has increased from 2.8% to 6.25 %, increasing the city’s borrowing cost by an additional $10,000 per day – and further jeopardizing the city’s revenue-sharing payments from the state." -- JTW

Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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