
Stench From Rotting Lamb Carcasses at Eastern Market Makes Reporter Vomit

February 09, 2015, 2:32 PM

Yes, sometimes reporting on a story can make you vomit.

That was apparently the case with Steve Neavling of the Motor City Muckraker.

He write:

The stench was so foul that I vomited.

A dumpster at the Eastern Market was brimming with scores of rotting lamb carcasses Sunday afternoon, plainly visible to motorists along Gratiot Avenue in what is a clear violation of state law and a risk to public health. The Bodies of Dead Animals Act of 1982 requires carcasses to be burned, buried or passed off to a licensed processor within 24 hours of being slaughtered.

Eastern MarketWitnesses said the dumpster has been full of lamb carcasses for several weeks – or longer – but it’s unclear how often they are being picked up. Images from Google Maps appear to show the dumpster full of animal carcasses in October 2014.

Neavling writes that it's unclear who is responsible.

He writes that a van for Berry and Sons Islamic Slaughter House was parked near the dumpster, but the company didn't return calls.

He writes that he also contacted the mayor's office, which quickly sent someone to examine the matter.


Read more:  Motor City Muckraker

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