
One Seat Over Podcast: Rick Barry, NBA Hall of Famer, Tells it Like it Is

February 03, 2016, 2:47 PM by  Joey Yashinsky

Rick Barry

Barry Family Week on the One Seat Over podcast continues today with the head of the family, Hall of Famer and 1975 NBA Finals MVP Rick Barry. 

Rick is as passionate as anyone around when it comes to talking hoops, and he holds back none of that fire on the show today. 

On free throw shooting, and the fact that none of today’s players (including Andre Drummond), have adopted his near-perfect underhand technique...

“I’m flabbergasted, actually, about the fact that nobody copies it.  The NBA is a copycat league.  Why in the world if you’re such a bad free throw shooter wouldn’t you try anything, I mean anything, to get better?  What difference does it make what it looks like?  If the ball can go in the basket at a higher rate, why would you not attempt to do it?  I don’t understand it.”

On the Hack-a-Shaq strategy in the NBA, and the talk of possibly banning it from use in the league...

“It is absolutely foolhardy, ludicrous, whatever word you want to choose, to even think about changing the rule that exists.”

We’re very fortunate to have Rick Barry join us One Seat Over today.

Oldest son Scooter Barry is on deck tomorrow to talk about SolidShot, a revolutionary technology in the sports world that could be the magic potion Drummond needs to address his growing problem from the foul line.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the one and only Rick Barry on the One Seat Over podcast with host Joey Yashinsky.


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