
Detroit Whiners: Stop 'Nitpicking About Things Beyond Your Control' -- Foley

May 06, 2016, 12:01 PM by  Alan Stamm

We're all weary of these whiners, Aaron Foley figures. They grouse about Detroit's traffic, food, distances, shops and even about winter.

Enough of the misplaced moaning, the local journalist suggests in a Thrillist rundown of "things we should worry less about."

Detroit stands to improve in a lot of ways, but if you’re nitpicking about things beyond your control, you’re making your life more miserable than it has to be.


Foley, editor at BLAC Detroit magazine and author of a 2015 book about avoiding jackassery, cites nine gripes to put up with or shut up about. Here's part of what he says about five:

Rent inflation: "You can’t afford to live in Detroit? No, wait -- you can’t afford to live in downtown Detroit. The rest of Detroit, whether it’s a flat in Hamtramck or a three-bedroom house in Grandmont, is still affordable. . . . Get out there and see some other neighborhoods before playing the 'Detroit is too expensive' card.

Pricey new shops, dining: "Never say you can't get by on the cheap in this city. Find out your favorite bars' happy hours . . . or maybe try a new bar. Look for healthy food options to cook at home, and yes -- you can shop healthy outside of the Midtown Whole Foods. (Super Greenland in Dearborn, anyone?) And you don’t have to have a $600 Shinola watch to wear made-in-Detroit pride."
He also suggests following Jackie Harper at @freeismylife "for all the best Detroit deals." 

Wings, Lions, Tigers traffic: "This is one of those things we have to accept living in a city. If there’s a big game going on, avoid downtown. Simple."

Where to dine?: Foley imagines -- or may know -- a sourpuss who grumbles that "there’s exactly one vegan option on the menu and you can’t bring your dog." A the pace of virtually "a new restaurant opening in Detroit every week," he advises patience while awaiting a restaurant "designed specifically for you."

Tough without a car: "This is another of those 'you knew what you were getting into' kind of things that's not changing anytime soon..

Longer pushbacks for each of those, along with four other give-it-a-rest knocks on Detroit are here. Bet you know who should read and heed. 

Read more:  Thrillist

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