
Wealthy Michigan Donors Help Trump and GOP

October 22, 2016, 10:29 AM



Some of Michigan's well-heeled donors came forward last month, contributing nearly $1 million to a joint fund for Donald Trump and the GOP.

Chad Livengood and Melissa Nann Burke report:

Donations totaling $245,000 from four members of west Michigan’s DeVos clan, a $125,000 check from Compuware co-founder Peter Karmanos and five-figure contributions from Detroit-area business executives Mickey Shapiro, Robert Kaiser, Norman Byrne and Gary R. Broad flowed into the Trump Victory Fund in the final days of September, according to finance reports released Friday.

Overall, the Clinton campaign and an affiliated super political action committee raised a combined $2.7 million in the third quarter from Michigan supporters, FEC records show.

The Trump campaign and joint funds with the Republican National Committee collected about $2.1 million from Michigan donors, largely through a steady stream of small-dollar internet donations.

The News reports that Clinton’s super PAC, Priorities USA, received $511,000 from Michigan donors in September, with the bulk coming from the United Auto Workers Education Fund in Detroit on Sept. 16.  Kim M. Gardey, founder and chairman of Gardey Financial Advisors in Saginaw, contributed $10,000 and billionaire Jon Stryker of Kalamazoo, an heir to the Stryker Corp. medical devices fortune, donated $2 million between March and May.

Read more:  The Detroit News

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