
New Videos Support Better Public Transit in Metro Detroit

November 08, 2016, 8:22 AM by  Allan Lengel

Stephen Maiseloff, a local advocate of public transportation, has co-produced a series of videos, 15 Minutes or Better, to show Metro Detroiters how residents of other cities benefit from bus and rail systems.

"We know our system is lacking, but what exactly can be done?," asks Maiseloff, a Lawrence Tech University humaniytie professor and a special education teacher in Detroit. "The videos show, here's what transit in other cities looks like, here's how it looks in the form of success."

Maiseloff, who is a strong advocate of the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan's millage on Tuesday's ballot in four counties hopes the videos inspire people to support it. 

The videos look at transit systems in Cleveland, Toronto, Cincinnati, Houston and Los Angeles. 

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