
Lengel: Trump Must Remember That Carmakers Can't Be Trusted

January 12, 2017, 12:40 PM by  Allan Lengel

Over the past two days, the federal government has gone after two major auto companies, Volkswagen and Fiat Chrysler, both of which are accused of cheating on emissions for cars sold in the U.S.

"Cheating" is the operative word.

It should be a reminder to the incoming Trump administration of government's important role in policing an industry that, while producing an extremely useful product, has a record of cheating and hiding things that can cause serious environmental damage, injury and death.

We must not forget that the federal government went after General Motors not so long ago for its ignition switch scandal, linked to more than 120 deaths.

President-elect Donald Trump talks about less regulations in industry.  It would be advisable, when it comes to the auto industry, that he be judicious about weakening the rules and government's watchdog role.  

Auto safety is not a liberal or conservative thing. Ditto for environmental issues that can cause a host of ailments including respiratory disease, and even cancer. 

Let's not forgot that government is here not just to help industry, but to protect people from harm.  

And in this case, the auto industry has proven time again it can't be trusted to always do the right thing. 

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