
Shinola Isn't Organizer or Host of Duggan Fundraiser at Manhattan Store, it Says

March 01, 2017, 9:16 AM

Mayor Mike Duggan

Update, 9:10 a.m. Wednesday: Shinola clarifies that it's not the host or organizer of a campaign benefit for Detroit's mayor in lower Manhattan on Wednesday.

"We occasionally offer the use of our space for private events, as we have done with other organizations and friends of the brand in the past," a newly issued disclaimer says.

We get the distinction. But one still could see Shinola as "hosting" the event at its Tribeca shop. If people offer their home for a fundraiser, you could say they're hosts even if they want to appear neutral.

And who can blame Duggan for being among "friends of the brand," really? 

-- Allan Lengel

Original post, Tuesday: 

Shinola is hosting a $1,000-a-ticket fundraiser on Wednesday at its Tribeca store in lower Manhattan for Mayor Mike Duggan, who recently announced his 2017 race for a second term, reports Louis Aguilar of The Detroit News. Duggan will attend. 

Dennis Archer Jr., a Detroit entrepreneur and son of former Mayor Dennis Archer, is among the hosts. .

“We have got all kind of folks” attending says, Carrie Jones of Duggan’s campaign. “People either are from the city or excited about what’s going on in their hometown."

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