
Lengel: Kid Rock's Ignorant, Trump-like Response to Campaign Complaint

September 01, 2017, 11:43 PM by  Allan Lengel

Kid Rock, Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent at the White House.

The last thing America needs is another immature, inexperienced, Twitter-happy person in Washington spewing mindless phrases like "fake news."

I'm talking about Kid Rock, aka Robert Ritchie, and this ridiculous talk about running for U.S. Senate in Michigan in 2018 against incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

Hasn't America learned a lesson? No government experience. A big mouth. No diplomacy skills. Impulsive. High maintenance. 

What's the appeal? Please explain. 

I bring this up now because the real news media report that Common Cause, a Washington watchdog group that uses real attorneys, filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission and the Justice Department alleging that Kid Rock violates campaign finance rules by failing to register, comply with contribution restrictions and disclose contributions.

"Regardless of whether Kid Rock says he's only exploring candidacy, he’s selling Kid Rock for Senate merchandise and is a candidate under the law. This is campaign finance law 101," Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause’s vice president for policy and litigation, says in a Friday statement.

All the real press did was report on a formal document filed with the FEC. That's what the real press does.



But Kid Rock, instead of simply dismissing, ignoring or challenging the allegations, turned to a classic Trump-like response, writing on his website:

I am starting to see reports from the misinformed press and the fake news on how I am in violation of breaking campaign law.

#1 I have still not officially announced my candidacy.

#2 See #1 and go fuck yourselves.

Everyone else, have a great Labor Day. (I will be spending mine WORKING in one of the greatest cities in America -- Grand Rapids, Michigan!!)

Rock on.
Kid Rock

Like Trump, Kid Rock doesn't have a clue about the First Amendment. Kid Rock also uses "fake news" the way his hero in the White House does: To dismiss outright anything he doesn't agree with, factual or not. 

Let Kid Rock keep rocking on. Let him keep selling his "American Badass Grill."

Please don't encourage him to run for Senate. Don't think it's so great that this guy has no experience in government, is impulsive and is so bold as to tell anyone he pleases to "go fuck yourselves."

We don't need another fake candidate who fools people into thinking he's real, he's the answer to our woes. 

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