
Georgea Kovanis: Detroit Pride T-Shirts Have Stopped Being 'Clever Or Endearing'

September 12, 2017, 2:27 PM

Made in Detroit. Detroit vs Everybody. Detroit Hustles Harder. Detroit is the New Black. 

Detroit's cool, pride t-shirts have been the rage for a while.

But Georgea Kovanis of the Detroit Free Press says she's had enough. She says the market has become oversaturated, writing: 

I decided I'm done with these shirts.

They've outlived their purpose and stopped being clever or endearing — and I say this as someone who has given these T-shirts as gifts, received them and enjoyed them. I say this as someone who has recommended these T-shirts to friends and to readers of this newspaper.

I say this as someone who loves Detroit.

In fact, I say all of this because I love Detroit.

Wearing them became a way to show faith in Detroit, Kovanis writes.


Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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