
Metro Times: 'Coleman Young II Is Donald Trump; Mike Duggan is Hillary Clinton'

October 27, 2017, 7:21 AM

Mike Duggan and Coleman A. Young II during Wednesday's debate.

Metro Times editor Lee DeVito concedes "the analogy isn't perfect," but he runs with it -- writing that  Coleman Young II is Donald Trump. Mike Duggan is Hillary Clinton:

Like Clinton, Duggan is a popular, well-connected candidate who is widely expected to win in November — despite the specter of scandal. For Duggan, the looming federal probe into the city's demolition program could be analogous to Clinton's vague and ultimately unsubstantiated email drama.

Young, like Trump, has a widely recognizable brand name — in this case, as the son of Coleman A. Young, Detroit's first black mayor. Like Trump, the younger Young is running a campaign geared toward "the forgotten man." For Trump, that was Rust Belt whites. For Young, that's "the neighborhoods" — or Detroit's largely African-American population that might feel left out of the revitalization of downtown and Midtown. . . .

But like Trump, Young seems to have a penchant for what the president's administration generously refers to "alternative facts."

Read more:  Metro Times

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