
Guest Post: Roop Raj of Fox 2 Tells Why 'Snow Isn't That Bad'

December 13, 2017, 2:09 PM

A Fox 2 Detroit anchor reflects on today's weather at his social media feeds, and lets us share his winter perspective.

By Roop Raj

Brave Americans have many tough circumstances to deal with when it comes to weather -- floods, hurricanes and wildfires.

I lived in hurricane alley and covered two dozen storms in New Orleans. The resilient people of the South deserve our deepest respect for their stalwart attitudes and hearty survival skills. They're often badgered with an inane and incessant question: "Why do you live there?"

Downtown Detroit on Monday night, Dec. 11.
(Photo by Eric Paterno)

The same can be said for the good Americans living with a charred and smoky reality in California.

You can't shovel away a hurricane, oppressive humidity, floods, or fires. I'll take snow any day. It comes right off, really. 

I won't complain about something that can simply be solved with salt, a shovel or a snowblower. Plus, this is what Christmastime is supposed to look like. 

Yep, I’m saying it: Snow isn't that bad.

Fires, tropical storms, floods and snow all remind us to respect the power of nature. Here, that means don’t drive like an imbecile in it, please.

But think about this: Unlike other weather conditions, we can actually play in ours. Not bad. It could really be a lot worse.

And wherever you are, the same answer applies to "how do you live there?" It's home. 

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