Politically Wounded? Flint? An Upbeat Gov. Rick Snyder Takes a Victory Lap

January 24, 2018, 7:44 AM by  Allan Lengel

You might recall in late 2015, a number of presidential candidates were courting Gov. Rick Snyder for his endorsement. Several months later, as the March 2016  Michigan primary approached, the Flint water crisis had sunk his political fortunes and no one wanted to be associated with him. He went from nerdy to toxic nerdy. 

Gov. Snyder got several standing ovations.

Ever since then, it seems, he's been limping to the finish line, trying to cross it with his head held high.

On Tuesday night, Snyder delivered his eighth and final State of the State address in Lansing, brimming with optimism and hope, and sounding as if he was ready to run for a third term (two is the limit).

He talked up Michigan, how much it has improved since he first took office in 2011, and said "now we're accelerating this comeback into the future."

"Remember what Detroit was like 10 years ago?" he asked. "The progress has been incredible."

Here's some responses to the speech:

Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, while acknowledging differences between his caucus and Snyder over tax cuts, said he appreciates the governor "taking stock of the work we have done on behalf of the taxpayers of Michigan and I look forward to finishing this term on a high note.” -- Detroit Free Press

Mary Manoogian, Democratic candidate for State House: "This is a critical moment for Michigan and our state deserves better than more empty speeches from Lansing. Tonight, we didn't hear any plans from Gov. Snyder to fix Michigan's roads, ensure water safety or protect our taxpayer dollars from Michigan's failing for-profit charter schools. Michigan Republicans are ignoring the issues that our communities care about and I’m running for State Representative to make sure the people's voices are heard.” -- Campaign email.

Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan League of Conservation Voters: Governor Snyder missed an opportunity tonight to make Michigan’s water quality crisis a top priority. In his State of the State address, he said we need a Marshall Plan for talent—but what we need is a Marshall Plan for protecting our drinking water and Great Lakes. We need a comprehensive, all-hands-on-deck plan and we need action now." Mass email.

Gretchen Whitmer, gubernatorial candidate: “We’re making huge investments in education.” - @onetoughnerd...What he means: - cut school aid fund to pay for $2B corporate tax cut. - under-funding schools by $2,000 per pupil." Tweet

Ingrid Jacques, Detroit News editorial writer: "I totally agree with @onetoughnerd's call for civility. Sorely missing in today's political interactions." "#Michigan's a far better state than 2010, says @onetoughnerd. Gets biggest applause of the night, and it's Snyder's legacy." Tweets

Nolan Finley, Detroit News editorial writer: "Infrastructure to do list from @onetoughnerd  noticeably absent new initiatives for roads and bridges." Tweet.

Stephen Henderson, radio and TV host: "#34 mins in, @onetoughnerd has laid out zero plans for his last year in office, other than the groundbreaking for a bridge he touted 7 years ago. 30 second on #FlintWaterCrisis." Tweet

Abdul El-Sayed, gubernaorial candidate: "THREAD: Flint just received 30 seconds in an hour-long #MISOTS18 address. Flint deserves more than 30 seconds. So do the millions of marginalized Michiganders that were ignored under @onetoughnerd’s administration. Let’s take a look?" Tweet

Shri Thanedar, gubernatorial candidate: J"ust heard to @onetoughnerd give shout outs and talk about the #Michigan comeback at #MISOTS18. Very different from conversations we’re having with working people across the state everyday. It's time for change.  Let's build a stronger, more inclusive Michigan together." Tweet 

Charlie Owens, Michigan state director for the National Federation of Independent Business: "When it is all said and done, the next governor will inherit a state with a balanced budget, a sound economy, and a bright future. Much of the credit for that has to go to Governor Snyder and his team. We look forward to working with the governor and the Legislature in 2018 in making Michigan the best state in the nation for small business.” Mass email 

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