
Facade Of The New Detroit Police HQ? Think South Beach Spa

September 20, 2012, 1:10 PM

Imgres 1Your city's police headquarters says a lot about your city.

The current top cop shop, right, at 1300 Beaubien, has 89 years of accumulated grit on its Albert Kahn-designed facade, a facade that says Kafka, heartbreak, brass knuckles, Megadeath, Purple Gang and angst.

The greenish-and-whitish-colored-striped facade that's going up on the Lodge Freeway side of the new public safety headquarters says beaches, creamsicles, sunsets, Jimmy Buffet, incense, facials, hot stones and sweetness.


Maybe a greenish-and-cream-colored facade -- even on one side of the building -- is a good thing. Maybe it will chill out the employees and visitors who use the new $60 million building.

It's certainly different.

-- Bill McGraw

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