
Videos: A Short Documentary on the Dark Days of the Detroit Train Station

June 26, 2018, 4:33 PM by  Allan Lengel

The decaying Michigan Central Station in Detroit's Corktown is thrust into the limelight with its sale to the Ford Motor Co.

But before the sudden burst of hope, the station stood as a symbol of Detroit's decay for decades.

In 1998, a couple years after billionaire Matty Moroun purchased the station, a professional camera operator, Dave Isern, worked on a documentary on the decrepit depot,  interviewing people including Hazel Love, whose father worked at the station for decades.

The footage sat on the shelf for years until local Emmy Award winning Gary Glaser, a documentary filmmaker, added some new photos and film, and created a 30-minute documentary titled "train station" that he released in 2004. 

Glaser is a native Detroiter who went to Hollywood in the 1980s and worked on TV shows including "WKRP Cincinnati," "Jeopardy" and "The Dating Game." He was also a segment producer at "Candid Camera" with Alan Funt.  He returned to Michigan in the 1990s. 

Below are two of four parts of the documentary posted on YouTube.

Read more:  Glaser Productions

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