
Scooter Wars: Ann Arbor Seizes Those Trendy Two-Wheelers

September 17, 2018, 4:44 PM

The Bird (Photo from the Bird)

All around the country, scooters are popping up. Some people embrace them. In some downtowns, though, people have declare them nuisances and toss them in Dumpsters.

Ann Arbor is dealing with them in its own way.

The city has confiscated nearly two dozen Bird scooters for violating a city ordinance, an official tells Meira Gebel of the Detroit Free Press. The scooters are being stored at a public works facility and the tech company has been asked to come collect them.

The paper reports:

The scooters were "improperly" parked on bicycle lanes, city streets or on sidewalks, said Lisa Wondrash, a spokeswoman for Ann Arbor. Wondrash said the scooters' very essence violated a city ordinance saying motorized vehicles cannot be used on sidewalks or impede public right-of-way.

According to the ordinance, it is unlawful to ride a Bird scooter on the sidewalk or bike lane, but the vehicles can be ridden on the road closest to the right curb. Scooters also cannot be parked on roads, sidewalks or bike paths and must be clear from driveways, access ramps and fire hydrants, said Wondrash.

Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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