
Stephen Colbert Gets Playful with Michigan's Pot Vote

November 08, 2018, 7:43 AM by  Allan Lengel

Michigan is the 10th state to legalize recreational marijuana.

And that wasn't lost with Stephen Colbert, who remarked during his CBS opening monologue Wednesday night: 

"And in Michigan they voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Now, to celebrate Michigan turned their mitten into a bong. The new state slogan: Hittin' the Mitten." 

The comment is accompanied by a clever graphic. Watch the video (It starts around the 3:06 mark).

Over at "The Tonight Show," NBC host Jimmy Fallon quipped:

"Yesterday, Michigan, Missouri and Utah all legalized weed. When they heard that, Michigan and Missouri were like: 'Damn, Utah, I didn’t know you partied like that.'"

Read more:  The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

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