
Nolan Finley Swipes at Rep. Brenda Lawrence over 'Puerto Rico Beach Party'

January 15, 2019, 7:22 AM

The Detroit News' opinion page editor calls out Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence for being among Congress members who "breezed off to a beach resort in Puerto Rico last weekend for a junket with lobbyists."

The former Southfield mayor, a U.S. House member since 2016, participated in a fact-finding mission on hurricane recovery organized by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. More than 30 Democrats and their families participated. The local congresswoman was accompanied by her husband, McArthur Lawrence.

Nolan Finley calls it a "beach party" in the headline on his News column.

The getaway featured a special performance of the play "Hamilton" and a party with the cast, as well as two other poolside soirees. Some Congress members were photographed sunbathing on the beach. 

The chief editorial writer quotes Lawrence as saying the delegation met with the island's governor, senators, mayors and community groups. "It was grueling. I sat through panel after panel."

Still, Finley derides the trip as a "boondoggle" for "sun-loving Congress members" that's insensitive during a partial federal shutdown. 

Lawrence and her colleagues didn't have to walk past the airport TSA staffers who are working without pay: They flew on a private jet. . . .

I can't imagine that if 30-some Republicans had left Washington for the Caribbean to sun themselves with lobbyists during this shutdown that there would be such little media scrutiny.

Read more:  The Detroit News

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