
You can now help name Macomb's 'Golden Butthole' since that's apparently not its name

March 18, 2019, 7:25 PM by  Violet Ikonomova

The Golden Ring along M-59. (Photo: Twitter)

The city of Sterling Heights seems to enjoy being the butt of the internet's jokes, because it's now hosting a naming contest to draw even more attention to a golden ring sculplture along M-59, which has already been christened by the internet as "The Golden Butthole."

Naturally, the internet has responded by telling Sterling Heights the golden ring already has a name.

If you have better ideas, you can submit them to Sterling Heights here, because it looks like the city isn't going with Golden Butthole.

The 35-foot sculpture was intended to "stand out and be different in a relatively undefined suburban landscape," the city says. "Sterling Heights leadership knows, through data, that retail is an industry of flash, style and excitement. Sterling Heights wanted the Golden Ring to represent that same flash style and excitement."

Daring to be different has cost the city of Sterling Heights $180,000, but that seems a small price for so much exposure.

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