Whoa, Say What Now? Nolan Finley Sees 'More Promising Route to a Smoking Gun'

March 26, 2019, 10:16 AM by  Alan Stamm

When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one! — "Alice in Wonderland," Chapter 4

Things do get curiouser and curious, indeed.

Consider the latest column by Detroit News editorial page editor Nolan Finley, poking provocatively at Congress members who want to see and possibly look more deeply into Robert Mueller's report on 2016 election mischief. 

He accuses them of "vowing to press on with their witch-hunt until they see Donald Trump burning at the stake."

The Democratic-controlled House intends to continue investigations of the Trump White House by every committee that can claim the slightest jurisdiction.

For the next 22 months, Democrats will be consumed with trying to get smoke out of the pop gun that is Mueller's report.

But they should be careful. That railroad has tracks running in both directions.

Finley's train of thought is that "a second special prosecutor is warranted to investigate the shady beginnings of the collusion probe. . . . That ground looks very fertile," as Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., suggests.

Mueller's appointment as special prosecutor was made necessary by [former FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe's extreme anti-Trump bias.

For two years, rumors and DOJ leaks, breathlessly and uncritically repeated by the media, have had Americans waiting for "the walls to close in" on Trump and his family. . . . But now, the more promising route to a smoking gun is the compelling evidence that a politicized Obama Justice Department colluded with the [Hillary] Clinton campaign and a compliant press to subvert the results of a presidential election.

Actually, "breathlessly and uncritically repeated" do apply here -- though not necessarily in the direction of this Detroit columnist's single-track thinking. 

Read more:  The Detroit News

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