
'Crimes Against the English Language, Too:' Our 6 Favorite Tweets About Indicted Rep. Larry Inman

May 16, 2019, 9:01 PM by  Alan Stamm

Serious situations that aren't tragic can have a quirky side inviting playfulness. So it doesn't take long for the curious case of an apparently self-incriminating Michigan representative to bring tweets that poke, parody and wink.

Larry Inman in 2016. (Photo: Facebook)




Nothing is funny about alleged bribe solicitation, attempted extortion and answering FBI questions falsely -- federal charges that Rep. Larry Inman will be arraigned on in Grand Rapids on May 29. Evidence includes texts from him to union lobbyists. One message concludes: "We never had this discussion."

Though the third-term Republican from Grand Traverse County surely is unamused, social media references to him as Larry Inmate were inevitable. Same for quips about how closely he paid attention while earning a Northern Michigan University degree in crininal justice.

At Twitter, chatter a day after the news broke includes sharp swipes as well as humorous posts. A short one says simply: "Innocent until proven guilty, but c'mon . . ."

These also are worth sharing, in our eyes: 

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