Happy weekend! Blistering heat, ozone alerts expected for Metro Detroit

July 18, 2019, 7:29 AM

With a punishing heat and humidity one-two coming this weekend, Deadline Detroit would like to join the rest of the news media in urging all to stay hydrated, use sunscreen and avoid outdoor exertion while it lasts. 

It'll feel just like this. Only worse, because: Humidity. (Photo: Raquel Raclette via Unsplash)

Nothing like extreme weather to get editors excited.

The Detroit News reports:

More than 100 local heat records are expected to fall Saturday across the country, according to the National Weather Service. Most won’t be record-daily highs but record-high nighttime lows, when blistering temperatures during the day typically fall enough at night for a little relief.

The lack of cooling overnight can be dangerous, meteorologists say, and it's not just in southeast Michigan. In parts of the Midwest and East, temperatures won’t drop below the mid- to upper-70s or even 80 degrees at night, officials said

The heat wave, says Greg Carbin, forecast branch chief for the weather service’s Weather Prediction Center, will likely be “short and searing.”

Snark aside, temperatures like these really can be dangerous, especially when combined with an ozone alert. So we'll be good citizens and remind everyone to take it easy while this lasts. Taylor and Westland have set up cooling centers. Set your A/C thermostats as high as you can tolerate. Keep your blinds down. Stay out of the sun, take all the usual precautions. Help one another if you can. Together, we can get through this. Everybody in? OK, then: Onward into the fire. 

Read more:  Detroit News

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