
Kwame Kenyatta’s Fun-Time Water Park: Maybe The Dumbest Idea For Belle Isle Yet

January 24, 2013, 4:27 PM

it wouldn’t allow Detroit to sell a large chunk of the island to Boblo's former owners.

So they can build a water park.

Swap out Ferris wheels for wave pools and this sounds like the amusement park they used to own.

Before it went bankrupt.

You may remember, it was called Boblo.

Just so we're clear: Converting a public park managed by a bankrupt city into a public park managed by fiscally stable state would, to quote Kenyatta, “break the spirit of the people of Detroit.” However, selling this unique public space to a private developer so said developer can try to hustle a buck selling elephant ears and water slide rides would be a win for the people of Detroit?

The English language simply does not offer words to sufficiently describe logic as flawed and thinking as warped as Kenyatta’s on Belle Isle. Moronic is as close as the lexicon gets to providing an accurate description.

The sad truth is Belle Isle should have become a state park decades ago. Unfortunately, this city and this region has for too long lacked the vision and leadership to grab the low-hanging fruit. We dither over what should be no-brainers instead of getting things done and moving on to the more difficult challenges, like crime and poverty.

The sooner Belle Isle becomes a state park, the sooner it (like Cobo Hall) becomes an asset rather than a liability for Detroit.

So why would anyone oppose a plan to ensure Belle Isle continues operating as a public park, only as a nicer public park, while easing the city’s financial burden?

Because it’s Detroit. We might as well call this place Chinatown.

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