
When Jason Lorimer Visited Deadline Detroit

April 26, 2013, 11:13 AM


Normally on Fridays, we use this space for our weekly podcast. Not today.

Dandelion Detroit's Jason Lorimer, he of a certain Internet meme, and The Brightmoor Alliance's Kirk Mayes came by the Deadline Detroit global compound inside the Compuware Building Thursday to talk about their work together, Dandelion Detroit, and the controversy surrounding Lorimer's Model D column that spawned the White Entrepreneurial Detroit Guy meme.

Most of the time, our podcast conversations run about 15-20 minutes. Given the interest in the controversy and the importance of a general conversation about race, class and revitalization in Detroit, we thought we'd stretch this episode and maybe go 30-45 minutes. We ended up talking for over an hour and half. It's an instructive conversation and, in my humble opinion, is worth a listen.

You'll definitely get a better idea about the specifics Dandelion's work as well as hear a stimulating back-and-forth about Detroit's fledgling entrepreneurial movement, solutionism and what we at Deadline Detroit dubbed "the rhetoric bubble."

But, since it isn't reasonable to expect anyone to listen to a 90-minute 'cast in one sitting, we're going to take the weekend to break this into more reasonable segments. We'll publish them Monday. Apologies for the delay, but we think the end product will be well worth the wait and more managable then a single long episode.

If you just can't make it through your Friday without a classic Detroiter-Philadelphian brawl, here's the 1985 Marvin Hagler-Tommy Hearns fight below.

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