Dr. Nandi

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS

July 14, 2013, 10:43 AM

by Partha Nandi, MD

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Many of us suffer from this disease.  With abdominal pain, bloating and unpredictable diarrhea or constipation, IBS can be quite disabling! Up to 20% of US adults have symptoms of IBS.  In South America that number is over 40% of adults!

Well, what is IBS?  It is defined as change in bowel habits (like constipation or diarrhea) for 3 months or more along with abdominal pain or discomfort.

Who gets IBS?  Anyone can have the symptoms. Women more commonly are diagnosed as well as patients who are younger than 50 and those with a family history of IBS.  The cause of IBS is not understood.  Factors such as food, stress, and hormones may affect IBS symptoms.

How is it diagnosed?   First, your doctor will exclude other diseases especially if you have warning signs.  These include rectal bleeding, weight loss, nighttime symptoms or family history of colon cancer or IBD (Crohn’s disease or celiac disease).  A colonoscopy, blood tests or x-rays may be used to make sure that you don’t have another disease.  Once you’re diagnosed, what is the treatment?  Changing your diet along with taking medicines are key elements.  Also, avoiding stressors is important.  Although IBS can affect the lives of patients, it does not affect life expectancy.  It can lead to loss of working days and has a high societal cost.

Partha’s Prescriptions for IBS

  1. Be an advocate:  If you feel you are suffering with symptoms consistent with IBS, don’t continue to suffer. See your doctor and get treatment.
  2. If you’ve been diagnosed with IBS but have warning signs of blood in stool, weight loss, or family history of IBD or colon cancer, see your doctor.  You may have another diagnosis.
  3. As with other conditions, have a balanced diet. Have high fiber foods and drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
  4. Please avoid or alleviate stressors. Whether it’s a massage, yoga, or meditation find ways to relieve stress and improve your bowel and general health.

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