
Live Blog Starts Here At 10 P.M. for 'Low Winter Sun'

September 15, 2013, 9:11 PM


Tonight marks the sixth episode of AMC's new cop show "Low Winter Sun."

We've been told this episode will be action packed. We're hoping that's the case.

Tonight, as in the past, Deadline Detroit's Darrell Dawsey, Jeff Wattrick and Allan Lengel will live blog the show beginning at 10 p.m. tonight.

The seasons is 10 episodes long.

Allan: Pretty wild scene. The videocam fixed on the woman taking a leak.

Darrell: Strong scene. Takes even the hint of fun out of what she does.

Jeff: Wait, why is he looking for her again?

Allan: Interesting way for Frank to reconnect with his woman, on a live sex video.

Darrell: He loves her, I think. Beyond that, I have no idea. The computer chat was good in the same way as the bathroom scene. It shows detachment, emotional isolation, without having to beat you over the head with it. If only other elements of the show did the "show, don't say" thing so well...

Darrell: LOL...this ad they run promoting the hot AMC shows is funny. The Times blurb about LWS isn't all that glowing. It's the "she has a nice personality" blurb of TV criticism.

Jeff: Hey, that's out building!

Allan: Yes, that's the Compuware Building. That's where Deadline Detroit is housed.

Jeff: The guy is a smoker. Must work for Quicken.

Darrell: We've arrived.

Darrell: We've arrived.
That should've been a cool U-D High reference.

Allan: No shortage of graffiti filled buildings in Detroit.

Jeff: I  can't even imagine the outrage if UD, even a fictional portrayal of UD, went co-ed. #menforothers

Darrell: The Jesuit influence among middle-class Detroiters is profound. That scene could've been great way to speak to the U-D "mafia" and it's impact in the city.

Jeff: The scenes with Agnew working the case have been, by far, the strongest of the series.

Allan: The character Maya, the wife and bartender. Her lines are too slick.

Allan: Nice exchange between Frank Agnew and Rev. Low Down

Jeff: Agnew's playing a nice angle here to put someone in a frame for McCann.

Allan: I like Rev. Lowdown.

Jeff: He has a Vito Corelone smoothness to him.

Darrell: I like Dani Khalil...She's the brains of the outfit.

Darrell: Low Down is cool, but he's a little too cheesily dressed for an old-school player. I expect a little bit more than the monochrome Hot Sam's short/slacks set.

Darrell: 20 minutes into the long-awaited episode 6 and I'm still underwhelmed. So far, five was better.

Allan: Rev. Low Down is definitely an old school character.

Jeff: Now that we're in commercial, I like how the various storylines are coming together but, like in previous episodes, the plot could be sped up significantly.

Allan: I agree. Let's see some crazy action. We are over due.

Darrell: I agree, Jeff. The slow pacing was tolerable earlier on because I'm just assuming they're setting up for the good stuff. But we're well into the story now and at this point, the slow pacing just feels like dragging ass.

Jeff: Well, this is a weird conversation.

Allan: I like the line by Joe Geddes, "incest is ok so long as you keep it in the family." Good humor.

Darrell: The whole Dani/Frank thing is weird. I haven't decided yet whether it's an unnecessary distraction, but it certainly came up on me fast.

Jeff: I'm guessing there will be a point where she has to decide if her loyalty is with Frank or the job.

Darrell: After she sees him for "who he truly is." Yes, I can see how that cane be in the offing. can*

Darrell: After she sees him for "who he truly is." Yes, I can see how that cane be in the offing.

Jeff: I don't think those sex traffickers let the girls go to the store on their own.

Allan: I like the European flavor there.

Darrell: Is she still over in Windsor?

Jeff: I thought the text message said Chicago.

Darrell: Oh. Maybe I missed that. I guess that was the Sears Tower I saw looming, eh?

Darrell: Thank you, Katya!!! Keep it real!

Jeff: Agreed.

Darrell: "You're a trick." And that's what makes his whole search for this woman so goddamn aggravating.

Allan: Ageed.. the Frank Agnew obsession is like a junior high crush. No substance. No reality.

Darrell: The worst thing they could do is make this woman actually fall in love with Frank. Keep her as clear-eyed and emotionally detached as she is now.

Jeff: Yeah, I don't even know what to make of this thread.

Allan: Yes, agreed. At least that is real.

Jeff: Of course, it would have been realer if an ex-Soviet Olympic wrestler shadowed them to the store.

Jeff: I have to be honest, I really don't care about White Boy Zig's friend's PTSD. I need more action.

Allan: Don't know what to make of that character, Nick Paflas. So far, he doesn't add very much. Yes, we better start seeing some killing or hot sex.

Darrell: If you're going to give me hoodlums, you've got to make someone endearing or anti-heroic or something. These guys are just scumbags. Who cares?

Jeff: That's what I'm talking about.

Darrell: Small point of annoyance: I want to see more street signs. Better explains place, to me. I know we're "in Detroit." But I want more than that. I want to know Grand River like I know Pensy and Gold in Baltimore. Damn. OK. Action.

Jeff: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we had a two-minute driving montage so he could shoot that guy in a three-second scene"

Allan: They shot Poppa T. I like Poppa T

Jeff: "=?

Allan: Yes, what the hell was that about.

Darrell: And then, Jeff, cut...Smh.

Allan: Yes, I guess the Greeks were after Poppa T, but there didn't seem much of a set up for that.

Jeff: In some ways, maybe the show is a little too true to life. These guys don't get killed in dramatic scenes, they're killed in quickly and quietly in empty parking lots. Or am I reaching?

Allan: Dani Khalil and Frank Agnew. Interesting. Hooking up.

Allan: Interesting, since she's the moral compass on that squad
she may have to lose the compass for Frank.

Jeff: Or lose Frank for the compass.

Darrell: Or maybe she's not the compass we've been led to think she is.

Darrell: Oh please don't have her be all hurt and vulnerable now that she's given Frank some. Please don't.

Allan: Well, maybe we'll have an all out war now that the Greek's have killed Poppa T.

Jeff: The Greek mafia's construction racket killed a guy from the UAW and buried him under Comerica Park? Wrong ethnic group, wrong union, wrong construction era.

Jeff: Make the Greek an Italian, the union Teamsters, and have him buried under the Silverdome.

Darrell: I like that scene. Big banks takes little bank.

Jeff: Uh-oh, the kids will have to go to war.

Allan: Looks like they're setting up Damon Callis to kill the Greek boss for taking away the International.

Darrell: bank*

Allan: I like the  meeting and what it sets up: A war. It seems like it should have come at least one episode earlier, but we will take it if it triggers craziness in the next couple espisodes

Jeff: So, here's what I got out this episode: Agnew is hoping Rev. Lowdown will give him someone to hang for the McCann murder. The white boy will have to go to war to get his rackets back, fighting both the Greeks and Lowdown. Also, Frank and Dani are knocking boots.

Allan: Nice summation.

Darrell: So Mother Geddes isn't Catholic, but her son is? What??

Jeff: The Telway!

Darrell: Not saying it's impossible, but it usually doesn't go down like that here.

Jeff: I think they said he caught religion in an early episode and was a Jesuit candidate at one point.

Darrell: Ah. OK

Jeff: Ok, the promo for the next episode looks like I was hoping for tonight.

Allan: Yes, that episode looks enticing. More than tonight.

Darrell: Not a great episode in terms of drama, but the plot did move along. I'll be watching next week, but I'm getting bored. I don't care about any of these people.

Darrell: Not a great episode in terms of drama, but the plot did move along. I'll be watching next week, but I'm getting bored. I don't care about any of these people.

Allan: I think things are ramping up, but they haven't done the best job of developing characters like The Wire. The Wire, good or bad, you had feelings for the characters. They haven't developed that aspect as well as they could have. But I'm still interested in seeing more.

Jeff: I still feel like it was one script revision away from being great and hopeful the last few episodes provide a payoff.

Allan: I agree Jeff. A little tweeking of the script could have really taken it up a notch.



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