
Howes: Is This Detroit Revival For Real? Answer: Yes, But ...

September 19, 2013, 7:35 AM

Detroit News columnist Daniel Howes examines the current resurrection of Detroit and concludes this one is different than those much ballyhooed revivals of the 1970s, '80s and '90s.

But his optimism is cautious.

Howes quotes Gov. Rick Snyder as saying Detroit’s rebound already is under way, and Snyder, speaking at the Techonomy conference at Wayne State University this week, points to the "huge investments in downtown and Midtown” as reasons for optimism.

Howes writes:

"The Nerd is walking a tricky line tracing one of two radically different arcs. We’re witnessing either the makings of a fundamental transformation for Michigan and its largest city after a half century or more of decline. Or we’re seeing a briefly positive interlude in an epic municipal collapse yet to bottom.

"Because the facts are this: Detroit continues to lose population; its violent crime rate remains one of the highest in the country; its bankruptcy still is far from reducing massive liabilities, the vast majority of which are owed to active employees and pensioners."

Howes, though, sees reasons for hope -- including the alignment he sees between two prime movers in the city: 

"There are all sorts of reasons this time is different. Are the business community and the foundations with money to invest united, one executive asked, conveying a distinct air of doubt? Yes, probably more so than any time in anyone’s memory."

Former Detroit News columnist Pete Waldmeir posted Howe's column on his Facebook page with this note:

I've been through so many "rebirths" of Detroit that I'm beginning to feel like Octomom without the stretch marks. They ought to start numbering them with Roman numerals, like Super Bowls.

Read more:  The Detroit News

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