
See Preview of Tonight's 'Low Winter Sun' Season Finale

October 06, 2013, 7:42 AM by  Allan Lengel

The first season of "Low Winter Sun" ends tonight as AMC presents a two-hour finale by airing episodes 9 and 10, starting at 9 p.m. Sunday. 

A 1:17 video here gives an advance look at scenes.

Mark Strong as Det. Frank Agnew in episode 10.
(AMC photo/Alicia Gbur)

It's a final debut season chance to win over viewers on the fence and solidify the show's hold on loyal fans.

The show has played to mixed reviews. AMC had hoped to draw in a bigger audience by running the show right after the 9 p.m. airing of the wildly popular "Breaking Bad."

From viewership numbers, it doesn't appear AMC  was as successful as it had hoped in terms of getting the spillover. The first episode attracted 2.51 million readers, which is considered pretty good. The next week, it dropped to 1.47 million and 1.33 million Sept. 22.

The end of "Breaking Bad" may actually break well for "Low Winter Sun."

James Ransone as Damon Callis in the final episode, airing Sunday. (AMC photo/Mark Preston)

"Breaking Bad" was so good, that it almost wasn't fair to have viewers watch a show that certainly fell short of its level. 

Some critics feel "Low Winter Sun" moves a little too slowly and spends too much time setting things up.

Nonetheless, it does have some redeeming value and is worth watching. In the previous episode, Det. Joe Geddes kills the hooker Det. Frank Agnew loved. It should be interesting to see how that plays out. 

Deadline Detroit's Darrell Dawsey, Jeff Wattrick and Allan Lengel will be blogging the show live one last time -- at least this season -- starting at 9 p.m.

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